Sunday, June 7, 2009

Lucky for me, CP is fully amenable to this idea.

As I have voiced just about anytime someone brings up the topic of nuptials, much to my mother’s disgust getting hitched in Las Vegas is on my list of 100 things to do before I die.

Among the issues/annoyances CP & I would like to avoid, we both agree the idea of having to have a fantasy draft to name our top friends is just not needed. Additionally, parading the “lucky” few through a crowd in matching craptastic dresses/rented tuxes just seems wrong and unneeded– especially for the free agents who were not selected for event.

How do you even broach the subject with the friends who believe they should have been called up to the major league?

Me: “I am sorry, but while your friendship stats allocated you to be a member of the group who got a phone call, not a text/facebook message, announcing this event, we just didn’t feel they were wedding party worthy. Maybe had we hung out more in the summer of 2006 things would be different. Please feel free to attend the pre-season camp sessions (a.k.a the wedding shower and the bachelorette party). Maybe things will improve, but at this time our roster is full.

Free Agent: “But what about the time I bailed you out of jail? I was supposed to pay my rent with that money.

Me: “I appreciated the sentiment and if I recall correctly the reciprocating transaction was paid in full a week later. I am truly sorry but Draft Picks 1-3 were all sitting next to me in the cell and you know the old saying …

Before I share my next thoughts I want to preface this post with CP AND I ARE NOT YET PLANNING OUR WEDDING - A culmination of recent events gave me the bright idea to investigate this point

Not that this doesn’t make sense in the grand scheme of things, but (“The Official VEGAS Travel Site”) has an entire tab on their page devoted to planning a Sin City wedding.

Not to be THAT girl – but I think I have already picked my top to choice to tie the knot.

The Little Church of the West - Not only is the place super cute, but my personal favorite details from their website are as follows:

How long prior to the ceremony should we arrive?
Please arrive no less than 15 minutes prior to the ceremony. Please check in at the office behind the chapel with your Nevada marriage license. – Jack and Pot! When combined with the next point this guarantees we are there for less than an hour. We will probably take more time obtaining our license than attending our own ceremony!

How long does a ceremony last?
You are here for about 20 minutes. - WOO HOO! Short, sweet and to the point. Sold!

How many guests can we have?
Our chapel seats 50 guests. If your guest count exceeds 50 the remaining guests will need to stand and we may have to keep the chapel doors open, for safety purposes. – Aww, this means my fourth cousins’ vegan diet coach can't be in attendance. Darn!

What type of music is supplied?
With package 1 we play recorded music (traditional wedding music on a CD) all other packages we have a live church organist play traditional wedding music, you are welcome to bring your own CD if you wish. – A 20 minute wedding AND pirated iTunes music! Now that is the way to start until death do us part!

Is the Webcam LIVE?
For security reasons we do not offer webcam broadcasts as the ceremony happens. The wedding video is available for viewing approximately 15 minutes after the ceremony concludes. – Is it vain to organize a viewing party for my own wedding?

How should we dress?
We do not have a dress code; you are welcome to dress formal or casual. We do ask that you do wear clothes however - No birthday suits! – Good, poufy white dresses are not my thing. If I wanted to be the tooth fairy I would have gone to school to be a dentist, or at least their super cute/perky dental hygienist. For me, as long as CP is in the frat boy uniform (blue oxford button down, khakis, cool tie, sleeves cuffed and flip flops) I will be happy.

Can someone walk the bride down the isle?
Yes, traditionally by her father or another member of the party if you wish. - Oh good, they stick to tradition. Wait, if the Tedster doesn't shuffle me down the isle, how else would I get to the alter??? Clown car? A Vegas magician says “Poof” and I am there? Would I appear from behind a showgirls’ feathers? Do these folks count toward my 50 member entourage?

... In case you were wondering, I just got done explaining all of this to CP, he was both scared (in a good way) and exited (also in a good way).

And before you book your plane ticket to join us, please check your draft status. You might be in line to host a watch party. Don't worry I will supply the Champaign and first bottle of wine. Everything else is up to you. Please don't let it suck, or your stats will drop quicker than a receiver who couldn't catch a cold.

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