Monday, June 1, 2009

Penguins, Paul Luc, Pirates and Pandas – OH?! MY?!

I made a resolution that I was going to be more daring in 2009. So far, I have been pretty true to that choice. For the most part this decision has paid off with enough stories that I should have re-invented my blog a long time ago. (I have permanently lost the password to

Saturday night though, the motherload hit.

After openly cheering (read: standing up with enough force to hit my leg off the table) for the lone Pittsburgh goal (& Evengi Malkin assist!!!) in game one in a Red Wing filled bar in Livona, Mich. it was off to Ypsilanti, Mich. to soak in more of my hometown flavor.

As Jeannine and I paid our covers to get into the Elbow Room, we were shuffled out of the doorway but none other than Beetle Juice. I didn’t know that he could show up places without saying his name three times, but apparently that is the page of the nerd encyclopedia I have yet to read.

Lucky for me, Mr. Juice was not the only famous leading man to make an my acquaintance that night … I also happened to meet Captain Jack Sparrow. Little known fact, he grew up in Eastern PA, but lived in Pittsburgh for six years. He’s also quite charming.

I had never heard Paul Luc live but listened to the CD a few hundred times in my truck (in the past couple of months) so I was more than excited to see these guys strut their stuff. ... and it was worth it.

I feel like I now have proof the Paul, the band’s namesake and front man is a direct descendent of Bob Dylan. I also am positive the keyboardist – who is too cool for a first and last name and only goes by ‘Whitey’ – has the Piano Man’s blood flowing into his appendages.

Great as the boys from Western PA set list was, the real party started after they had broken down.

The exit of Paul Luc brought the entrance of Ann Arbor’s finest … the Tickled Fancy Burlesque Co. I really didn’t know much about burlesque shows so I suggested we stick around. If Nicole Schnellenberger or whatever that Pussy Cat's name is can make a name for herself shaking a tail feather, maybe her replacement would be in this group.

Remember, this is the year of adventure and I know I spell adventure b-u-r-l-e-s-q-u-e!
(Apparently adventure costs a cool $6.00 and comes in the form of a new pink t-shirt as well. Yes, I was all about documenting this experience with anything that had their logo! Call me a brand freak, whatever.)

Within 10 seconds of the show starting I got an explanation for why Mr. Juice was there – turns out he was the emcee! (Who knew?!) Captain Jack’s reason for attendance is still a little suspect though, as well as the reason Mr. Juice was sitting on the floor coloring pre-show.

The one and only act of the show that we checked out has forever changed my view on Panda’s. Not that I thought about them on a daily basis, but I may never look at them the same.

I sincerely hope the lovely ladies of “Pandemonium” have day jobs that doesn't include feather boa’s, throw-back Sam & Libby ballet flats, pool noodles, and milk crates. For the full monty, add some lampshade looking tassels in several places - let your mind wander and I guarantee whatever you come up with won’t even compare to the visions that burned my retina’s.

It's not that the act was bad, but there is something about a man in a seersucker suit and a matching panda mask and backback that just isn't sexy to me.

Before the night's end - as if this story could get any stranger than fiction - we would be accosted by both Professor Snape and a girl who looked like Punky Brewster’s little sister with about 1,000 facial piercings. They felt the need to “chat” with me about my choice of clothing (an Evengi Malkin tee, what else?) and how my doning of that shirt gave them the right to yell and point fingers.

It was a lovely chat.

Hmm and what is it they say about Ypsi's neighbor, Ann Arbor?

The positive though – THIS girl didn’t get lost in the state of Michigan AND managed to avoid Michigan Lefts.

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